Hi Norm:
Do serious players keep all their created and modified styles in one
Maybe. Unusual. Normally they would carefully analyse the workflow in
their particular business and build a structure appropriate to what they do.
They may have a master letter-head template for the entire company, then use
documents hanging off that for each department. They may have a master
template for manuals, and one for reports.
Companies with a large population of consultants and road warriors might use
single unlinked templates for everything. Consultants might use no
templates at all.
Depends who you are and what works for you.
Your recent comment in a prior post in this thread gave me the
impression that you did keep "anything" which was more than macros and
toolbars in your Normal Template. Your comment:
I have a personalised "Formatting" toolbar named "JohnFormatting" that
contains customisations I first made for Word 6 in 1992. I have macros that
go back to 1989.
But no styles: those need to be done specifically for each document type.
BTW, I made a template before creating a personal toolbar. When I open
that template, the toolbar is there. I thought one's toolbars where not
available to all Word docs but only ones based on the template to which
it is attached.
Depends where you stored the toolbar: go back and re-read the bit on scope,
inheritance, and chaining. Anything stored in Normal is available
application-wide because Normal is "attached" to the Application. Anything
stored in an Attached Template is available only to documents attached to
that template, because the Attached Template is attached to specific
documents. Anything stored in a document is available only to that specific
When you get into advanced customisation, you can use VBA to coerce things
into the context you need them in. Then you can override the "rules" to
your heart's content. I will try to teach you "good design practice" so you
don't drive yourself completely mad doing this.
Is this in essence the setting for the Normal Template?
No. You CAN'T enable "Automatically update styles..." from the Normal
template. That's an important restriction: remember it!
And why would I have two Normal Templates:
One in ~/Library/App Support/MS/Office/User Templates/My Templates
And the other, which is where I think it should be, is in:
Same as above but up a level in /User Templates
Figure out which one is in use, and delete the "other" one.
Get used to the idea that it doesn't matter WHERE a template is: Word can
use them in any location you like, but it's up to you to manage that.
Look in Word>Preferences>File Locations and check the path shown in "User
Templates". That's the location Word is USING, regardless of where YOU
think the templates are. It's up to you to set that location appropriately
to your purpose.
My advice is "Don't change it unless you have a reason to change it." And
make sure you have tested that reason to ensure that it is valid under all
circumstances and for all users; because it will make your life more
complicated if you move your templates from the default location.
Just told Linda that I can't take her to the pub for drinks and dinner
because I'm prepping for John's test.
Now guess how many are in
Only ONE of us, Norm. Linda knows damn well that only one of us didn't do
his homework
The email below is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless I ask you to; or unless you intend to pay!
John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410 | mailto:
[email protected]