Hi. I am using the following code to automatically increase the last number
in a field by 1. The field is fldCenterID from the table tblCostCenters. It
works fine until I try to create a record after the ID of 10. Everything
there after is a 10. Any ideas on what is wrong? Thanks.
Dim strMax As String
strMax = DMax("fldCenterID", "tblCostCenters")
Me!HiddenCtl = Right(strMax, Len(strMax) - InStr(1, strMax, "-")) + 1
in a field by 1. The field is fldCenterID from the table tblCostCenters. It
works fine until I try to create a record after the ID of 10. Everything
there after is a 10. Any ideas on what is wrong? Thanks.
Dim strMax As String
strMax = DMax("fldCenterID", "tblCostCenters")
Me!HiddenCtl = Right(strMax, Len(strMax) - InStr(1, strMax, "-")) + 1