Use Front Page to develop GUI



I want to use Front Page to develop an GUI. Is it
as simple as creating web pages in Front Page and then
importing them to an project?

I can't find any articles or books about this. Please give
me your suggestions if you know of good articles or books
on this topic.

Tom Gahagan

I want to use Front Page to develop an GUI. Is it
as simple as creating web pages in Front Page and then
importing them to an project?

No! Not if you want to utalize the real power and possibilities of
For the most part you should probably invest in Visual Studio to do your
development in. (imho)

Best to you.......
Tom Gahagan

Mark Fitzpatrick

You can develop the overall look and feel, but you'll probably want to do a
lot of elements in an ASP.Net tool like Visual Studio.Net or WebMatrix. FP
does a better visual job, but doesn't have the ASP.Net power yet. I
typically design my interfaces first ni a program such as FP and then bring
them into my VS.Net projects to begin adding the coding elements.

Hope this helps,
Mark Fitzpatrick
Microsoft MVP - FrotnPage

Kevin Spencer

Hi Danny,

Assuming that you have Visual Studio.Net, here's how I use FrontPage to
develop ASP.Net apps:

FrontPage is an excellent web management and HTML development toolkit.
Visual Studio.Net, as you seem to have noticed, is a lousy HTML development
toolkit, but is excellent for application development. So, what I do is,
when I am about to develop an ASP.Net page, I will create the HTML as a
static HTML document in FrontPage, then copy and paste the HTML into an
ASP.Net WebForm I've created in VS.Net. Then I can right-click form elements
to runat server, add WebControls, my CodeBehind, etc.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

Jim Cheshire


As you can see, there are a ton of options here. I have found the easiest
method is as follows. Tip: Using FrontPage 2003 is recommended since it
understands ASP.NET Server Controls.

1) Create a new ASP.NET Web application.
2) Close VS.NET. (Not really necessary, but makes things easier.)
3) Open the same ASP.NET application in FrontPage.
4) Open your page or create a new page.
5) Create all of your user interface elements such as tables, etc. in
6) Save the page as an HTML page (i.e. page.htm).
7) Close FrontPage.
8) Go back into VS.NET.
9) Make sure VS.NET is set to show all files.

Now when you want to create a new Web form in ASP.NET, open the HTML file
and save it as pagename.aspx. You then simply right-click on that new aspx
page and choose Include in Project. You are then good to go.

I have developed a ton of ASP.NET applications (some on the Internet and
some internal), and I do all of them exactly in this way.

Jim Cheshire
Jimco Add-ins
Co-author of Special Edition
Using Microsoft FrontPage 2003
Our newest add-in:
FrontPage Cart Companion

Jim Buyens

-----Original Message-----
I want to use Front Page to develop an GUI. Is it
as simple as creating web pages in Front Page and then
importing them to an project?

I can't find any articles or books about this. Please
give me your suggestions if you know of good articles or
books on this topic.

You can open the same Web space as a Visual Studio Web
Project or as a FrontPage Web site. So, you can switch
back and forth pretty much at will.

FrontPage is better for developing the visual aspect of a
site, and Visual Studio is better for developing the code.
Thus, the freedom to switch back and forth is very cool.

I've been trying to convince Microsoft Press of the need
for a book about such topics, but so far they're not
convinced there's sufficient market. In the meantime, you
might want to consider:

Chapter 43
Using FrontPage 2003 and Visual Studio .NET Together

from Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)

Kevin Spencer

I've been hoping for some time that Microsoft would involve FrontPage in
VS.Net somehow.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

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