scott w t
i created an ado memory recordset (no disk-based persistent underlying table)
as follows
Dim r As New ADODB.Recordset
With r
.Fields.Append "Field1", adVarChar, 64
.Sort = "[Field1] ASC"
End With
then i added 2 records to r and verified that they were actually "there"
record 1: Field1="AAA"
record 2: Field1="BBB"
then i set the recordset property for a 1-column listbox whose parent form
is open, as follows
Set lbox.Recordset = r
now --
lbox.ListCount = 2, as it should
lbox has 2 blank lines,
lbox.ItemData(0) and lbox.ItemData(1) both return NULL
lbox.Column(0,0) and lbox.Column(0,1) both return NULL
is there any way to make this really work? thanks
as follows
Dim r As New ADODB.Recordset
With r
.Fields.Append "Field1", adVarChar, 64
.Sort = "[Field1] ASC"
End With
then i added 2 records to r and verified that they were actually "there"
record 1: Field1="AAA"
record 2: Field1="BBB"
then i set the recordset property for a 1-column listbox whose parent form
is open, as follows
Set lbox.Recordset = r
now --
lbox.ListCount = 2, as it should
lbox has 2 blank lines,
lbox.ItemData(0) and lbox.ItemData(1) both return NULL
lbox.Column(0,0) and lbox.Column(0,1) both return NULL
is there any way to make this really work? thanks