Use Like in Vlookup



Here is my function:
=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(H12,'booked pivot'!G:H,2,FALSE)),0,VLOOKUP(H12,'booked

I am trying to get Excel to evaluate this string in cell H12:

The data looks like this:
Medscape - US-HCP - Cardiology - 728x90 - Top, 03/01/2009
Medscape - US-MD - Cardiology - 120x600 - LR, 03/01/2009

Any ideas on how to do this?


Dave Peterson

Just to add to Ashish's response...

You may want to make sure that H12 is non-empty--otherwise "**" will match the
first entry.


T. Valko

Are you wanting to return the date?

This is all in one cell in column G ?

Medscape - US-MD - Cardiology - 120x600 - LR

And the date is in column H ?

As long as there is only one instance of US-MD you can use a SUMIF formula:

=SUMIF('booked pivot'!G:G,"*"&H12&"*",'booked pivot'!H:H)

Format as Date


Thanks everyone!!

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T. Valko said:
Are you wanting to return the date?

This is all in one cell in column G ?

Medscape - US-MD - Cardiology - 120x600 - LR

And the date is in column H ?

As long as there is only one instance of US-MD you can use a SUMIF formula:

=SUMIF('booked pivot'!G:G,"*"&H12&"*",'booked pivot'!H:H)

Format as Date

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