Use list box to navigate to different sheets...



Is it possible to use a List Box within a spreadsheet (this would be on each
page) - that by selecting the first option in the list (e.g. Sheet 1, then
Sheet 2, etc.) it would navigate to each sheet?

Trying to put the finishing touches to a spreadsheet - navigating round the
different sheets needs to be 'easier' for everyone - this way I can have a
descriptive title within the List box for each area.

As always your time, and expertise is greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks, Al. ( (e-mail address removed) )

Bill Lunney

If you're using an ActiveX type listbox you can catch the Click event with
something like:


Where lstErrors is the name of the listbox you're using


Bill Lunney

Bob Phillips

Mr AL,

If you right-click on the arrows to the left of the sheet tab names, you get
a sheet name list, effectively a listbox. Your users can select from there,
and if you give the sheets descriptive names all solved without code or


How do I actually use this? Should this be part of a macro, or through VBA?

How do I know if it is an ActiveX listbox type?

Thanks for your help on this.


Tom Ogilvy

OK, Application.goto seems to be adversely affected by being in the sheet
module even though the range is qualified.

try it this way:

Private Sub ListSheets_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(Listsheets.Value)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not sh Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub

Dave Peterson

Once I added a continuation character, your original code worked ok for me in my
special version of xl2002 <bg>.

Tom Ogilvy

It didn't for me in Excel 97 (and the syntax was correct)

Guess they must have fixed it.

Also, can you spell word wrap. <g> I didn't leave off the end if

Tom Ogilvy

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