Use Listbox to change View


Seth U.

Is there a way to force a Listbox to Change to a different View in Infopath
2003? Under the Rules section, I do not see changing the View as an option.

Right now the Form is implemented as selecting a choice in a listbox and
then clicking a Button to change the View. I would like to change the View as
soon as the Selection is made in the listbox and not need to use the button
at all.

Thank you for any advice.

Zhang Haiguang


Please add a xml file data source as following:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<view>View 1</view>
<view>View 2</view>
Change the content of the element "view" with the names of all your views.
And set it as the data source a list box, add a button, and add the
following codes:
function CTRL2_5::OnClick(eventObj)
XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:field1").text );
There is a demo form template on

InfoJet Service
InfoPath Web Form

Zhang Haiguang

Here is the second step planned, :)
Please add the following codes to the form:
function XDocument::OnLoad(eventObj)
var viewsDOM = XDocument.DataObjects[ "Views" ].DOM;
var viewElements = viewsDOM.documentElement.selectNodes( "view" );
for (i=0; i < viewElements.length; i++)
viewsDOM.documentElement.removeChild( viewElements[ i ] );
for (i=0; i < XDocument.ViewInfos.Count; i++)
var viewElement = viewsDOM.createElement( "view" );
viewElement.text = XDocument.ViewInfos[ i ].Name;
viewsDOM.documentElement.appendChild( viewElement );

The demo form template is updated,

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