Use multiple page fields in pivot table



Hi all,

I'd like to use multiple page fields in a PivotTable, but I cannot figure
out how...

I created a PivotTable of multiple consolidation ranges (3). In 2 of 3
sheets I based my PivotTable upon, there are columns named Period. I want to
use the Period-column as a Pagefield also. In my PivotTable I have a column
which counts the costs, and one that counts all the budgets... but now that's
for a whole year, and I want that per month.

I already created 1 Pagefield per sheet already, I guess I have to create
more from all the sheets, but this is where I get stuck.

How to create the situation that Period becomes a page field?



Do you have multiple data ranges all set up the same that you want to
consolidate into one pivot table and then have a page field that shows the
data for each of the data ranges? Or I you wanting to combine the data
ranges so the pivot table sees all the data as though it was from a single
data range?

You seem to also have a second question regarding displaying something by
month rather than by year. If your data is does not contain monthly data or
daily data you can't take yearly data and display it as monthly data, because
the data source doesn't have the information.

For us to be much more helpful you need to show us samples of the data on
the different sheets, and what you want the results to look like.



I want to combine all data over various sheets *in one workbook*, and I want
him to see that as it was from a single data range. When it was from one data
range I was able to use my column headings as pagefields, but over various
sheets this seems more complicated.

I do have the dates per budget/cost per item, so I can specify it on that,
but the report I have now is that the total budget and costs are all added
together for a grand total for the running year. By making month a page field
I wanted to reach the situation that I was able to display the report for a
specific month, or a running total until a certain month.

I specified one page field per data sheet after step 1 of the pivot table
wizard where I chose the 3 data ranges. In 2 of the 3 data ranges the MONTH
is a column. Now I want to turn that into an additional page field as well..

is this clearer? I'll also try to upload...


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