Use of a Parameter querie to obtain Info



Please help?

I am trying to use a Parameter querie to retreive text
information in a Report. When I request partial
information in the pop-up box, Access returns nothing. If
I use a select querie, it works everytime. However I need
to provide a way for my clients to input partial
information via a pop-up screen. How do I get Access to
retrieve the textual information when I only input a few
words? Also once I get the query to work, what properties
does the report need to have?

This information needs to be returned via a report so that
my clients can print the information. All help is
appreciated. Thank you

Cameron Sutherland

If you are using the terminology right you must mean a
parameter query where in the Crtiera line you put a
question inside square brackets so it asks the user the
question and their response is placed in the criteria when
the query is executed. If this is so it sounds like you
want more of a Like "*" functionality instead of an exact
match. If these assumptions are correct instead of a
simple parameter criteria:
[Question goes Here?]
.... try wrapping the question with the Like clause:
Like "*" & [Question goes Here?] & "*"
.... the stars on the left and right of the parameter tell
if you don't care where in the field you find the users
Hope this helps.

-Cameron Sutherland

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