Use of DeleteRecording LiveMeeting API with invalid characters


Joel Krist


I'm trying to use the DeleteRecording LiveMeeting API to delete older
recordings and am running into a problem where some of the LiveMeeting
meeting names contain characters that the DeleteRecording API doesn't accept
as being valid in a recording or meeting name. Specifically some of the
sessions contain parenthesis and apostrophe chars. When I make the
DeleteRecording request and specify one of these names I get back a fault
from the server about invalid chars in the recording name:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<FaultString>name must not contain '('</FaultString>
<StringOption value="name" name="fieldName"></StringOption>
<TimeOption value="2006-12-15T17:33:27Z" name="time"></TimeOption>

The LiveMeeting API docs spell out which chars are valid in meeting and
recording names:

Meeting and recording name string lengths are in the range [1, 32]. Only
letters, digits, spaces and the following characters are allowed: ‘+’, ‘-’,
‘_’, ‘=’, ‘/’, ‘#’, ‘%’, ‘*’, ‘.’. The only letters allowed are the English
A¬–Z and a–z. The only digits are the ISO Latin-1 digits 0–9. Leading and
trailing spaces are prohibited. Case is preserved. Comparison is not case

So the system let the user create meetings with supposedly invalid
characters in the name and now will not let me delete them programatically.
Am I missing something? Is there some way to escape the problem characters
when making the DeleteRecording request?



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