Use of .LEFT property



In Access 97 the help file says that the LEFT parameter
can be used to position a control in a report but when I
used this in the On Format event of a group header I got
an error 2135 "This property is read-only and can't be
set". Am I missing something?


Marshall Barton

Graham said:
In Access 97 the help file says that the LEFT parameter
can be used to position a control in a report but when I
used this in the On Format event of a group header I got
an error 2135 "This property is read-only and can't be
set". Am I missing something?

I've never had a problem doing that. What kind of control
are you trying to do this to? What is the statement you're
using to do this?


Thanks for the advice gentlemen. I've been back to the
code and as predicted it now works perfectly.
Unfortunately it doesn't help me with the problem I have
which is to find some way of printing in a header section
a field that is wider than the columns setting in the
detail section.

Simply creating a wider column won't work because all the
other columns would be wider and the report won't then fit
on the page. The strategy I was trying was to set a wide
margin and use a negative value of LEFT property to move
the field into the margin. Having now got .LEFT working I
have now discovered, of course, that LEFT can't be set to
a negative value. Back to square one!!


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