use of "me" keyword


Chip Orange

I'd like to add a subroutine in our global library add-in, in the code
modules, which can be called as part of anyone (of our programmers) form's
initialize event. This routine uses the keyword "me." to reference the
current form, but the compiler won't allow me to use it in code in a
standard code module (I guess it's only allowed in forms modules).

Anyone have any way around this?




You need to pass an argument to the function to use in its place, such as a
reference to the form or class module that would otherwise be the 'me'.

Malcolm Smith


Bear in mind that 'Me' is a special pointer which points to the current
form container (in much the same was as ActiveDocument is a pointer which
points to the active document).

Therefore, if you want to move the code to a module then change the 'Me'
pointer to the pointer of the form.

So, if you have a form called clsMainForm and you define it in your code

Dim oForm as clsMainForm

set oForm = New clsMainForm

then in your code you can access the contents, ie the controls of the
clsMainForm by your oForm pointer, thus:

sDate = oForm.txtDeliveryDate.Text

rather than

sDate = Me.txtDeliveryDate.Text

Does this help?

- Malc

Chip Orange

thanks, I always appreciate the info and responses, but I wrote a routine to
add/display horiz and vert scrollbars as needed, and it was meant to run
against whatever form was currently being displayed (and I wouldn't know the
name of it).

Someone else mentioned I could call the routine, and pass "me" as an
argument, so I'll try that.

thanks to all, this is really a great group of folks.


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