Use of OpenArgs



I am opening a form called frmFindPerson from a form called
frmEditPerProj. I am passing the form name of the first form to the
second form by placeing it in openArgs in doCmd.OpenForm as

I want to select a record from the second form and pass a field value
back to the first using the form name passed in OpenArgs to define the
field to be filled with this data. I was not sure whether I could use
OpenArgs dircetly so I have set up a variable and assigned the value
of OpenArgs to it as follows

Private Sub cmdSelect_Click()
Dim strFormName As String
strFormName = Forms!frmfindPerson.OpenArgs

In order to check that the variable contains the form name I added the
following which does confirm this

MsgBox ("OpenArgs is " & strFormName)

I then want to use this value to fill a field on the first form with
data from the second. I have tried using the following and various
variations on it with and without brackets/quotes etc but nothing

Forms![strFormName]!PersonID.Value = Me!PersonID

If however if I put the name of the first form (frmEditPerProj) into
the line instead of strFormName it does work.

What am I doing wrong? I want to do this using openArgs as I want to
use the form frmFindPerson, for many different situations and this
seemed a good way of using generic code to suit all these situations.
Perhaps someone can suggest another solution if I am barking up the
wrong tree.


Arvin Meyer [MVP]

Pass the string as the last argument in the OpenForm statement.

In the opened form's Open event, use it like:

Me.txtWhatever = OpenArgs

Think of OpenArgs as a special global variable that can be used to pass a
string from one form to another. You can have more than 1 value in the
string and parse it out in the newly opened form. You can also convert a
string to another, more apppropriate, datatype.


Yes, I'm passing it to the second form in the correct way. The problem
is trying to use it as the form name for setting a field value back on
the first form something like this. I presume that OpenArgs is string
data type when it is received by the opened form. What type is
required when it is used in the way I am trying to do below?

Forms.[Me.OpenArgs].PersonID.Value = Me!PersonID

ie. value of PersonID on the first form = value of PersonID on the
second form


Arvin Meyer [MVP]

It doesn't work like that, but once PersonID is set on the second form, you
can use:

Me.PersonID = Forms!NameOfSecondForm!PersonID

Douglas J. Steele

Assuming that OpenArgs contains the name of the form on which you're trying
to change the value, try:

Forms(Me.OpenArgs)!PersonID.Value = Me!PersonID

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