Use of port number PWA site


Bharathi Gopal

I want to create a PWA site. Do I need to necessarily specify the port number
while creating the PWA site? Is it possible to access the PWA site without
the port number?

Note: This is a intranet site.

Also, what is the difference between creating a Project Application and a
Host Application for the PWA site? When I use Project Application option it
doesn't require any port number, whereas when I use the Host Application
option it requires a port number.

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


If you use any port other than 80, then you need to specify it when you
enter the URL. All browsers default to 80, and do not automatically look for
sites on other ports. When you create the site that hosts the application,
this information is handled internally. When you create sites intended for
end-users, such as the Project Web Access site, you must specify the port
that it will run on. This is true for any web application. You can use host
headers to run multiple sites on the same port. Does this information help


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
For Project Server Consulting:
For Project Server FAQS:

Zheng zard zhun

When you cant to create a PWA site, first you need to create a web site from
SharePoint 3.0 cential Administration to host PWA, while it need to specify
the port. but you can use the random generated port. Then the site will be
added into the existing SSP automatically. Second, you need to logon the
SSP(Shared Service1 by default) to create the PWA, notice that use the web
site jst created to host the PWA.

Bharathi Gopal

Thanks Gary and Zheng for the responses. They have helped me to set up a PWA

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