Use of SelfCert Digital Signature



I have 2,000 macro files on my Home-office PC.
While creating and saving these over the years
I didn't know anything about SelCert DS to save me
from having to click on the ENABLE-MACRO Screen
which appears anytime I open any one of them.

I have created a Seft Cert and in testing have got it
working.. It seems that I want now to Go in on the
1900+ previously written files and assign my "JM" (Cert name) to each.

This SCARES ME TO (Near) DEATH !! Any time you think
you are about to do something GREAT - It usually ends up
Biting you in the BUTT Or WORSE.

Two Questions...
1) As all these (1900) are in the same FolderName, is there
a Macro (written) that can do this on all my files at one time?
Right now I have on the first 3 I've converted, manually
a) Opened,
b) Switched to the VBE,
c) Tools, Digital Signature
d) Choose..
e) With JM visible and auto-Selected - Click OK, OK
f) File, Save, Close.

Quite a series of strokes to do 1,900 times....

#2 Question:
What is going to Happen -- BAD to ME?

a 3rd Question - If I send the file to someone as an e-mail attachment
(I know there will be some prob as they will not have the CertName,
but at this point I fail to understand what if anything they can do.. must I
remove my Cert from th eFile before sending? << Is that the simple answer?

Thanks in Advance..

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