Use OWC11 with ASP.NET


Max ©®

Hello and sorry for my english!

I use OWC11 with VB.NET to generate a chart into Internet Explorer.
After a hard work I can create chart with 60-70 value but I need to
manipulate a very large group of data!!! If I try to create a chart with
very large amouth of data the chart's result is a terrible "tangle" of
line ad colour 'cause the component doesn't work like MSChart that
automatically group data.

So... there are option, property, method, tricks, miracle to say to
OWC11 to auto-group data? It's possible to show a very large amouth of
data? Any suggestion?

Thank you!

Alvin Bruney [MVP]

The chart control does automatically group the data. One approach is to
limit the values on the category axis by using the static tickmark property.

Alvin Bruney [MVP ASP.NET]

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The Microsoft Office Web Components Black Book with .NET
Now Available @

Desneux Michel

I have the same problem but i cannot group data. I must show all datas
evolution during 366 days.

Is there a way to avoid the automatic grouping ?
Which is the limit before the automatic grouping ?

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