Sorry for the crosspost (I've posted to public.excel group), but I
think this a better place to ask. So here it is.
I'm trying to use an array and a range to modify and copy data between
2 worksheets, but when I try to access a sheet that isn't activated,
Excel (2003) gives me a runtime error 1004. Here is my code:
Sub Calc_data()
Dim rowIndex As Integer
Dim colIndex As Integer
Dim iPoints As Integer
Dim iCols As Integer
Dim mult As Double
Dim temp
Dim TempArray()
Dim TheRange As Range
iPoints = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("numPoints")
iCols = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("numCols")
ReDim TempArray(1 To iPoints, 1 To iCols)
' If Sheet1 isn't activated before this line, I get the runtime
error 1004 in this next Set
Set TheRange = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells
(iPoints + 8, iCols + 2))
TempArray = TheRange.Value
For colIndex = 1 To iColunas
If Cells(8, colIndex + 2) = "g" Then
mult = Cells(7, colIndex + 2)
For rowIndex = 1 To iPontos
TempArray(rowIndex, colIndex) = TempArray(rowIndex,
colIndex) * mult
Next rowIndex
End If
Next colIndex
' If Sheet2 isn't activated before this line, I get the runtime
error 1004 in this next Set
Set TheRange = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells
(iPoints + 8, iCols + 2))
TheRange.Value = TempArray
End Sub
The only workaround I've got, is to use a "Worksheet
("SheetN").Activate", before both Set TheRange, but it seems crude.
BTW, iPoints can be as large as 2881 and iCols can be as large as 50.
Sorry for the crosspost (I've posted to public.excel group), but I
think this a better place to ask. So here it is.
I'm trying to use an array and a range to modify and copy data between
2 worksheets, but when I try to access a sheet that isn't activated,
Excel (2003) gives me a runtime error 1004. Here is my code:
Sub Calc_data()
Dim rowIndex As Integer
Dim colIndex As Integer
Dim iPoints As Integer
Dim iCols As Integer
Dim mult As Double
Dim temp
Dim TempArray()
Dim TheRange As Range
iPoints = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("numPoints")
iCols = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("numCols")
ReDim TempArray(1 To iPoints, 1 To iCols)
' If Sheet1 isn't activated before this line, I get the runtime
error 1004 in this next Set
Set TheRange = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells
(iPoints + 8, iCols + 2))
TempArray = TheRange.Value
For colIndex = 1 To iColunas
If Cells(8, colIndex + 2) = "g" Then
mult = Cells(7, colIndex + 2)
For rowIndex = 1 To iPontos
TempArray(rowIndex, colIndex) = TempArray(rowIndex,
colIndex) * mult
Next rowIndex
End If
Next colIndex
' If Sheet2 isn't activated before this line, I get the runtime
error 1004 in this next Set
Set TheRange = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells
(iPoints + 8, iCols + 2))
TheRange.Value = TempArray
End Sub
The only workaround I've got, is to use a "Worksheet
("SheetN").Activate", before both Set TheRange, but it seems crude.
BTW, iPoints can be as large as 2881 and iCols can be as large as 50.