Use String variable to access field




I have a Schedules with 5 fields, Monday, Tuesday, Wed, etc

I want to write a VB subroutine to access the specified field depending on a

So if I have a string variable Day, I want the subroutine to be able to
retrieve Schedules!Daym meaning to retrieve the value in the field for
whatever Day happens to be. Will Schedules!Day work? What syntax should I use?

Is it different if I want to get a dataset and then access it?


Jeff Boyce

If you have a table with fields named "Monday", and "Tuesday", and ..., you
don't have a table, you have a spreadsheet!

Both you & Access will have to work overtime to overcome 'sheet data ...
Access is optimized for well-normalized data.

You may want to spend some time brushing up on normalization and relational
database design...

Good luck!



Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

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