I have named range in my workbook like AB_Jan10, AB_Feb10 .. etc
and in one sheet I have Jan, Feb, Mar etc as cell values
I want to use a formula something like =VLOOKUP($B4,("AB_" &
TEXT(D3,"mmm")&"10"),3,FALSE) assuming D3 contains a date say 31-
Jan-10 and my named range = AB_Jan10 and want to get the value from
third column in the named range.
Is there a way to get a working formula in Excel
and in one sheet I have Jan, Feb, Mar etc as cell values
I want to use a formula something like =VLOOKUP($B4,("AB_" &
TEXT(D3,"mmm")&"10"),3,FALSE) assuming D3 contains a date say 31-
Jan-10 and my named range = AB_Jan10 and want to get the value from
third column in the named range.
Is there a way to get a working formula in Excel