Thanks for the response. I am selecting the cell using a table object I
oTable.Cell(WordRow, Column).Range
I tried the code you sent, but it gave me an error of type mismatch error
"13". This is being done from Excel 2003 into Word 2003. Here is code
snippet of what I am doing now with your code and still getting an error:
'Insert a 11 x 2 table, fill it with data and change the column widths.
Set oTable = oDoc.Tables.Add(oDoc.Bookmarks("\endofdoc").Range, 2, 11)
'Move through all of the columns
For Column = 1 To 11
If Column < 10 Then
oTable.Cell(WordRow, Column).Range.Text =
Sheet1.Cells(ExcelRow, Column)
Dim LinkName As String
Dim Address As String
Dim myRg As Range
' you need to know which cell of which table
Set myRg = oTable.Cell(WordRow, Column).Range
LinkName = Sheet1.Cells(ExcelRow, Column).Hyperlinks(1).Name
Address = Sheet1.Cells(ExcelRow, Column).Hyperlinks(1).Address
ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=myRg, _
Address:=Address, _
ScreenTip:="", _
End If
I left out the code to increment the word and excel rows, since I move the
row count up 1 each interation.