User Access to WSS Project Websites




Is it possible to edit the way project server users are added to the
WSS groups that are created when a new site is provisioned? I
basically want all Project Server users to have "Team Member (Project
Server)" access to all sites. As it stands now, non-Team Members with
View Project Documents and Issues permission, are added to a group
called "Reader (Project Server)". The problem is that people with
"Reader (Project Server)" access cannot add to discussions on the site
or complete surveys - which I want them to be able to do. We use a
discussion group, for example, to post comments or questions pertaining
to certain project documents when they're still under review. Some of
the people reviewing and commenting are not assigned to any tasks on
the schedule and, at the point they're reviewing it, the assignments
aren't published yet anyway - so they don't have "Team Member (Project
Server)" permissions yet in WSS.

I've "fixed" the problem temporarily by modifying the "Reader (Project
Server)" group permissions in that template to match the Team Member
group, but if possible, I'd rather modify what groups people are
assigned to versus modifying the group permissions.



Reid McTaggart

Being a Team Member on a project is not enough to get Team Member permissions
for the WSS site. One must also be assigned to a task.

If there is a way to change the rules, I don't know it, but would LOVE to.

Here's my workaround until I find a better way:
If a client needs what you do, I include in their templates a task called
something like "Grant Team Member rights to WSS Site." I associate a
miniscule amount of work with the task and assign to it everyone who we want
to have Team Member permissions.

Of course, this approach requires that the assignment be published. In the
case where you don't want to publish "real" assignments just yet, you would
have to take two steps. First set all Team Members to Proposed and publish
the project. Then, set them to Committed and Republish only the "Grant Team
Member rights to WSS Site" task.

It's clunky, but it works.

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