User Defined Fields in task view



I have created some new fields for my task list. I cannot see these fields
to make entries in them when I create a new task. I cannot even make an
entry from the task list where I do see the field name at the top of the
column. Does anyone know how to effectively use this feature?

Jocelyn Fiorello

Are you talking about a regular Tasks folder or the To Do List? I don't
think you can make any changes to the default To Do List view.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Did you enable in-cell editing?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

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How to ask a question:

After furious head scratching, junelaine asked:

| I have created some new fields for my task list. I cannot see these
| fields to make entries in them when I create a new task. I cannot
| even make an entry from the task list where I do see the field name
| at the top of the column. Does anyone know how to effectively use
| this feature?

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