User-defined type not found error




I am trying to access set of records in a query sequentially to send
email. I have the following code to access a query.
Sub ReadRecords()
Dim dbsTemp As DATABASE
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim intRowCount As Integer

Set dbsTemp = CurrentDb()
Set rst = dbsTemp.OpenRecordset("QrySearchForEmail")

If rst.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "There are no records in the error table", vbInformation
GoTo ExtractErrors_exit
End If
Set rst = Nothing
Set dbsTemp = Nothing
Exit Sub
However, I get error "User-defined type not found" error for 'DATABASE'
I also tried using DAO.DATABASE, but get the same error?

1. How can I resolve this error?
2. Is there a beter way to send mass email for a list of emailid from a table?

Thank you in advance,

End Sub

Ofer Cohen

Open code (anywhere), from the menu select Tools -> Reference

Check if Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object library is selected,
if not select it.

Also, it safer to specify in the code what you are using:

Dim dbsTemp As Dao.DATABASE
Dim rst As Dao.Recordset


Hello Ofer,

I selected 'Microsoft DAO 3.6', still I get the same error.
I also tried selecting Microsoft DAO3.5, but I continue to get
the same errror.

Any other idea?

Thank you,

Ofer Cohen

Did you try declaring the database and recordset as

Dim dbsTemp As Dao.DATABASE
Dim rst As Dao.Recordset

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