user entered limits


Trial & Error

I would like to allow users of my DB to enter limits that in turn control the
options available when entering data at a later date.

The database accepts lesson registrations.
I can only allow lessons to be booked on the hr, between 9:00am and 8:00pm.
to do so, I have the time field on the form looking up permitted times,
which are saved in a table... this way users may add additional time slots if
they chose to.

I would like to allow the users to also select a date and time and set a
restriction # for how many entries may be made at that time. There will be
two types of lessons offered... so ideally a limit could be set on one and
not the other, or both.

I am guessing I would need a table that would contain restrictions... with a
date, time and lesson type.
How would I ensure that the Time field on the form checked what date was
being requested, and then refered to the set restrictions to ensure no limits
had been set ?

Am I nuts? or is this actually possible?

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