Neal Steiner
Most Valued Experts,
A couple of days ago, I posted a couple of questions
regarding Userforms. You answered my questions I did not
initally understand all the nuances regarding which
modules to use. I do now and I deeply apologize for not
getting it the first time. I am trying to learn VBA and
currently am focused on the Userforms, but sometimes my
brain is a little slow. All of the experts, especially
Tom O. and Chip P. have been extremely helpful and patient
and I want to thank them and everyone else who has shared
their wisdom. Thanks for the answers and infinite
patience. This newsgroup is great!!
A couple of days ago, I posted a couple of questions
regarding Userforms. You answered my questions I did not
initally understand all the nuances regarding which
modules to use. I do now and I deeply apologize for not
getting it the first time. I am trying to learn VBA and
currently am focused on the Userforms, but sometimes my
brain is a little slow. All of the experts, especially
Tom O. and Chip P. have been extremely helpful and patient
and I want to thank them and everyone else who has shared
their wisdom. Thanks for the answers and infinite
patience. This newsgroup is great!!