In re: Question 1
Since this code is in the UserForm module, you don't need load the values
from the TextBoxes into String variables first. It should be sufficient just
to pass the value to the RewrapBookmark sub directly. However, there are a
couple of improvements that could be made. I've rewritten your code to
demonstrate, with an explanation to follow.
Private Sub cmdFinished_Click()
RewrapBookmark "bkAAA", CStr(Trim(txtAAA.Value))
RewrapBookmark "bkBBB", CStr(Trim(txtBBB.Value))
RewrapBookmark "bkCCC", CStr(Trim(txtCCC.Value))
RewrapBookmark "bkCCC", CStr(Trim(txtDDD.Value))
Unload UserForm1
End Sub
Now the explanation.
As you can see, I've done away with the String variables for the reasons
discussed above. In addition, I've removed all of the "explicit" references
to UserForm1 and Module1. (And you should really consider giving these
meaningful names instead of just using the default names created by the VBE -
just for good practice.) I've done this because these explicit references
aren't really required because: a) for the TextBoxes the context will be
assumed to be the UserForm because the code is in the UserForm module; and b)
if the RewrapBookmark procedure is declared as 'Public' (or at least not
'Private' - and it must be or it wouldn't be accessible) then specifiying the
context isn't required.
I also used the .Value property of the TextBoxes rather than .Text. Either
will work but I'm just in the habit of using .Value. In addition, I've used a
couple of built-in functions to make sure that the right value is passed to
RewrapBookmark. "Trim" will remove any leading or trailing spaces from the
value, and "CStr" will force conversion of the value to the String value that
I assume is required by RewrapBookmark. This elimates the need to load the
TextBox values into String variables first (which probably should have been
done using Trim and CStr anyway...).
That should cover Question 1. Now for Question 2.
You can certainly update multiple bookmarks with different values depending
on the value selected from a ComboBox. In this case, I would use a Select
Case statement that evaluates the .ListIndex property of the ComboBox, like
Select Case ComboBox1.ListIndex
Case 1
RewrapBookmark "bkmark1", "This is the first value for bookmark 1"
RewrapBookmark "bkmark2", "This is the first value for bookmark 2"
RewrapBookmark "bkmark3", "This is the first value for bookmark 3"
Case 2
RewrapBookmark "bkmark1", "This is a different value for bookmark 1"
RewrapBookmark "bkmark2", "This is a different value for bookmark 2"
RewrapBookmark "bkmark3", "This is a different value for bookmark 3"
Case 3
RewrapBookmark "bkmark1", "This is yet a different value for bookmark 1"
RewrapBookmark "bkmark2", "This is yet a different value for bookmark 2"
RewrapBookmark "bkmark3", "This is yet a different value for bookmark 3"
Case Else
MsgBox "I don't know what to do for this ComboBox selection.",
vbCritical, "ComboBox1 Error"
End Select
This code can go into the Click event procedure, but if I might make another
suggestion on improving the code - not neccessarily to make it more efficient
but at least to make it easier to maintain.
Rather than putting everything into one huge procedure tied to the Click
event, break it up into a few logical, smaller procedures (sub-routines) and
then call these from within the Click event procedure. For example, you could
write a procedure for inserting all of the values from the TextBoxes like
Private Sub InsertTextBoxValues()
RewrapBookmark "bkAAA", CStr(Trim(txtAAA.Value))
RewrapBookmark "bkBBB", CStr(Trim(txtBBB.Value))
RewrapBookmark "bkCCC", CStr(Trim(txtCCC.Value))
RewrapBookmark "bkCCC", CStr(Trim(txtDDD.Value))
End Sub
And then write another (maybe called "InsertComboBox1Values") that has the
sample code I provided above to insert the values into the various bookmarks
based on the value selected from ComboBox1. Then you would call these in your
CommandButton Click event code as follows:
Private Sub cmdFinished_Click()
UserForm1.Hide (or Me.Hide)
Unload UserForm1
End Sub
The two big advantages are:
1) You can use a "top down" programming approach to your template
development in which you break the project down into big chunks and then
slightly smaller bits within those chunks and then finally the code to do
those bits. (Note that "chunks" and "bits" are technical terms. ;-D) Then you
can work on a piece at a time instead of trying to develop the whole code
base in one big hit.
2) It makes debugging easier because if the code falls over, usually only
one piece doesn't execute properly. If all the code is in one procedure, it
stops everything else from executing and just throws control back to the top,
which can make it very difficult to find the problem.
However, with "modular" code if one sub-routine fails, execution picks up
again with the next subroutine, and you can see from the results in the
document which piece didn't execute properly.
Also, if you want to skip over something that's not fully developed yet, you
can comment out just one line of code - the call to the sub-routine within
the main procedure - rather than commenting out heaps of lines of code.
Anyway, this should be enough to get you headed in the right direction. I
won't say anything about separating out the code for manipulating the
document from the code related to the UserForm or talk about the dangers of
"magic forms" and not instantiating specific instances of objects and
referring to these objects instead of "UserForm1" or "ActiveDocument". I
figure you're head is probably pretty full already. ;-P
(And I see that in the time it took me to put this together, Doug has
chipped in with an answer as well. His recommendation for using a
multi-column ComboBox is a good solution, as well. However, I don't think he
knows what your "RewrapBookmark" code does because he wasn't involved in the
discussion we had earlier - so don't hold that against him. ;-D)
Gordon Bentley-Mix
Word MVP
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