User Form Design



I've seen Greg Maxey's "Create and Employ a User Form", and I'm intrigued
with the way he designed his form. I can't figure out how to get a shadowed
title bar where the Description of the userform itself is displayed. It's
really nifty. Does anyone know how to do that?

Thanks and Happy New Year

Jay Freedman

Oh how obtuse that was.....the caption bar is what I meant to say.

The text in the caption bar is whatever you assign as the value of the
userform's .Caption property. You can do that either in the Properties pane of
the userform editor, or in code in the UserForm_Initialize() procedure, like

Me.Caption = "My Special Caption Text"

The appearance, such as the silver gradient shown on Greg's page, comes from
whatever Windows theme is currently in effect. For example, on a PC running
Vista with the Aero interface, the caption bar will be translucent; the same
userform on a PC running Windows XP's default theme will be blue. As the
programmer of the userform, you don't have any control of that.

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