User Form - Get Data From Drop List



sI have a work sheet that hold data from calls received from clients. I want
to create a user form in order to recall a record based on account number. I
have set it up to use a combobox for the account number. Here is the
worksheet layout

Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6
Col 7 Col 8
Date Account # Caller Relationship Phone # Reason Confirm
for call address
------ ----------- ------ ------------- --------- --------
---------- ------
7-Jan-08 1234567 Brian Treasurer 352-6350 Balance Yes Hi!

I have a user set up as:

Account Number (combobox)

Call Date (textbox 1)

Caller Name (textbox 26)

When I run the form and choose an account number, the Call date appears and
then when it tries to populate the Caller Name I get the following message:

Could not get the column property. Invalid argument.

I would like to add display field in the user form for the Relationship,
Phone #, Reason for call and Notes columns.

Can someone help me out here?

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