User forms



I am using Excel 2003. I have a spreadsheet called planning. In one tab,
labelled "plandata", I have my planning data. In a separate tab, I have
created a User Form. This form uses selected fields from "plandata", or it
will. I want to hide the plandata sheet and display the select fields in my
User Form (frmPlanData) for the users to edit. They will NOT add or delete
any records in the file - Edit only.
I can create the form but can't get it to display the records from the other
Obviously new to forms in Excel.

RB Smissaert

Did you fully qualify the ranges in the other sheet, so including the sheet?
Should do something like:

With Sheets("planning")

..range etc.

End With

If this is not the problem then show the relevant code.



I do not have a clue as to what you just said. I have the planning sheet. The
second sheet is blank with my vb code for the user form. On startup I can
bring up the form. However, the form comes up blank without any data from
planning. When I call the form, is that where I am support to put the "With

RB Smissaert

You will have to explain a bit better what you are doing and show the
relevant code.
The second sheet is blank with my vb code for the user form.

What exactly do you mean with that?


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