Bob Quintal
=?Utf-8?B?U2FpbG9yUm95?= <[email protected]>
wrote in
the properties is parameters. Enter a prompt "Enter starting date"
or something similar, set the datatype to date.
In the query's criteria row, under your date field, put > [Enter
Starting Date] now save and test the query.
wrote in
Open the query in design view. Open the properties panel. One ofI have a query that totals and sorts time by the last dates
entered. I want to add a criteria that returns this
information date after by a slected date inputted by user. I
can put >#6/30/2007# into the criteria and it returns the
results that I need but I want this to be entered by the user.
I am lost. Thanks for your help.
the properties is parameters. Enter a prompt "Enter starting date"
or something similar, set the datatype to date.
In the query's criteria row, under your date field, put > [Enter
Starting Date] now save and test the query.