User Input File Name



I want to be able to call a workbook (to copy data from)
based on the file name that the user inputs. The workbook
to be called would be already open (but there would likely
be other workbooks also open at the same time).

I tried something like this:

Dim RawDataSheet As String
RawDataSheet = InputBox("What is the name of the file
that contains the raw data?")

Thanks in advance

Ray at

You put your variable name in quotes. That won't work, unless you have a
window with a caption of RawDataSheet. Try:

Dim RawDataSheet As String
RawDataSheet = InputBox("What is the name of the file
that contains the raw data?")

You may want to do something like "If Left(RawDataSheet, 4) <> ".xls" Then
RawDataSheet = RawDataSheet & ".xls" or put in some sort of error handling
at least.

Ray at work

Gord Dibben


One method(among others).

Dim RawDataSheet As String
RawDataSheet = InputBox("What is the name of the file_
that contains the raw data?")
Application.Workbooks(RawDataSheet & ".xls").Activate
End Sub

Gord Dibben Excel MVP - XL97 SR2 & XL2002

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