Want I am hoping to do on a form letter where a name, date and a few
other things are entered more than once, is to use a few input boxes
to populate the various text boxes.
This is what I have got so far
fullname = InputBox("Enter the employees full name", "Name")
annidate = InputBox("Enter the anniversary date of the employee",
"Start Date")
hours = InputBox("Enter the total number of hours to be worked each
fortnight", "Fortnightly hours")
ActiveDocument.Variables("textbox1").Value = fullname
ActiveDocument.Variables("textbox2").Value = fullname
ActiveDocument.Variables("textbox3").Value = annidate
ActiveDocument.Variables("textbox4").Value = hours
ActiveDocument.Variables("text1").Value = hours
it ran through the macro fine, but nothing seemed to happen on the
document (actually a template if that makes a difference.
This should be quite simple but I can't seem to find the right
other things are entered more than once, is to use a few input boxes
to populate the various text boxes.
This is what I have got so far
fullname = InputBox("Enter the employees full name", "Name")
annidate = InputBox("Enter the anniversary date of the employee",
"Start Date")
hours = InputBox("Enter the total number of hours to be worked each
fortnight", "Fortnightly hours")
ActiveDocument.Variables("textbox1").Value = fullname
ActiveDocument.Variables("textbox2").Value = fullname
ActiveDocument.Variables("textbox3").Value = annidate
ActiveDocument.Variables("textbox4").Value = hours
ActiveDocument.Variables("text1").Value = hours
it ran through the macro fine, but nothing seemed to happen on the
document (actually a template if that makes a difference.
This should be quite simple but I can't seem to find the right