User Interface Documentation



As part of my Business Analysis work I create screenshots in Visio Pro (2007)
firstly for discussions with stakeholders, and once relatively stable for the
creation of functional requirement specs.

As part of that, I document what each data item & widget does and how it
does it. E.g. A button OK might validate data entry, save data & close
screen. At the moment, the labels in the visio screenshots and the
documentation are not linked, not is any descriptive data.

I'm looking for a specific solution that allows me to create screens &
documentation visio driven. So for example, I add the OK button in visio,
give it some descriptive data and can then output that data into a table in a
Word or Excel document.

I looked at the linking data option, but that seems to flow the other way
around with associated consequences.

Can anyone help or at least point me in the right direction?


As a thought (probably a lot of others can also add to this).
Consider keeping the Word doc open while working through your documentation
process, you can add a bookmark to the Word file and then create a hyperlink
from the shape to the bookmark. For screen captures I use the 'snipping
tool', for video walkthroughs (with audio) I use the HyperCam2 product


Thanks for the tips Al. It's not quite what I'm after though. Perhaps I'm
asking a bit too much from Visio and should look towards software
specifically intended for GUI development. It's just that I like working with
Visio!! ;-)

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