One possibility is to use a { USERNAME } field, which inserts the name of
the user as specified in the User info. for /Word/.
If you really need the "user name" that is set up in the user's environment
(i.e. the one that is displayed if you use a SET command in aDOS/CMD box),
there is no built-in /Word/ field that can do it, and whether or not you can
get the value as a /merge/ field depends on what your data source is - e.g.,
you /might/ be able to get it from an Access database by using an
environ('username') function call in an Access query, but even that depends
on whether or not Access is operating in "sandbox mode", which is to do with
You could also probably use a bit of Word VBA (and the Environ("username")
function call) to insert the required value, oryou might be able to use a
Word Auto macro to set up the value of a Word document variable or property
that you could insert using a { DOCVARIABLE } or { DOCPROPERTY } field.
So it's not straightforward, but maybe that will give you some options with
which you can experiment.
Peter Jamieson