User Prompt for Month to find Date Range



I have a query that prompts users to input [Beginning Date] and [Ending
Date]. I have realized that the dates that will be put in are always the
beginning date and the ending date of each month and never change. Is there a
way that I can have the users only input the month and the query will range
the dates for the query?

John Spencer

If you always want the beginning and end date no matter what date the user
enters you can use this criteria.

Between DateSerial(Year([Enter date in month]),Month([Enter date in month]),1)
and DateSerial(Year([Enter date in month]),Month([Enter date in month])+1,0)

If you always want the month in the current year
[Enter month number]

Between DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month([Enter month number]),1) and
DateSerial(Year(Date()]),Month(CInt[Enter month number])+1,0)

If you always want a specific month and all years for that month, then a
calculated field with criteria should work.

Field: Month([TheDateField])
Criteria: CInt([Enter month number])

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County


Oh yeah! That does not change either it is alway current year

Jerry Whittle said:
How about the year?
Jerry Whittle, Microsoft Access MVP
Light. Strong. Cheap. Pick two. Keith Bontrager - Bicycle Builder.

sonofroy said:
I have a query that prompts users to input [Beginning Date] and [Ending
Date]. I have realized that the dates that will be put in are always the
beginning date and the ending date of each month and never change. Is there a
way that I can have the users only input the month and the query will range
the dates for the query?

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