User reports that Word skips the letter 'D' in a list


Nathan Silva

Hello everyone. I have a user who had some difficulty with bullets and
numbering in MS Word. He reports that he was creating a list in a document,
when Word went straight from 'C' to 'E', skipping the letter 'D'. Then he
tried recreating the document but Word still skipped the letter 'D'. He said
that he opened the document a couple of days later and then Word functioned
normally, including the letter 'D' in the list. I tried to Google the issue,
but did not come up with anything that was directly relevant. Can any of you
think of a reason why this problem might occur? Thank you.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

When an error is intermittent and irreproducible, it's virtually impossible
to find a solution. As long as the list is functioning correctly now, then
I'd be inclined to just cross my fingers and soldier on.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

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