I'm not sure I understand your question.
If you install Office on a machine that has no previous installation of
Office, it will by default put the Microsoft Templates in the Applications
folder, and the user's Normal template will be created in the user's MUD at
the time of first-run of Word.
If there is an existing previous installation of Office on the machine, the
installation will use the current location and preserve the existing Normal
I would strongly advise against allowing that to happen. They are trying to
preserve the user's Normal template, which may have been extensively
customised and be very valuable. In most cases, the user has never
knowingly customised their Normal template, but Word has, and the content of
the Normal template may be very non-standard indeed. It may for that reason
be counterproductive to allow that to continue.
If *I* were a knowledgeable System Administrator, I would force Office to
install the user's Normal in the user's MUD folder. It's by far the best
solution and will reduce the number of support calls you get
To force it after installation, go to Word and change Preferences>File
Locations>User Templates to the MUD location. Restart Word. If you want to
keep the user's Normal, then quit Word and move the existing Normal into the
MUD, overwriting the one you will find in there.
No user must ever be able to get a different user's Normal template into
edit mode, or trouble will break out all over your installation. Whoever
logs out last at night gets to define the toolbars, styles and macros for
the entire office next day!!
Users whose Normal template is read-only will crash just after lunch every
day, losing their documents and your patience...
Hope this helps
Thx, but No...

Ive made installations. On the clients logged in as local admin,
otherwise I cant install in /Applications.
Still all users template wants to be in Office App folder.
Were is the little pointer that tells tha app to use the /~... place
for template?
Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.
John McGhie <
[email protected]>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 4 1209 1410