Earle thank you so much for the info. I did go to Dell and found my Service
Tag and the info on my computer. However I don't understand any of it. I am
not very computer lit. I will paste the info at the end of this message maybe
someone can tell me what it means.
My insurance agent is not being very reasonable about all of this. What he
is telling me is that I can use the disk that original came with my computer,
(which I don't have) when I purchased it. That the disks were not damaged in
the storm. So they will not pay for software. What I am really trying to find
out is can I legally download the disk if I had them on to my new computer.
If so then I will back out gracefully. But if it is illegal to use my old
disks in a new computer than I want my insurance company to pay for new
software. Does this make since?
To recap: I don't have the original disk. Insurance agent will not pay for
software because it was not damage in storm. Is it legal to use old software
on a new computer without breaking the User terms and agreement contract?
This is the info on my computer according to the Dell Support web site:
1 H1483 PRC,80532,2.4G,512K,533,SKN,D1
1 7N242 KYBD,104,US,SLTEK,LC,MG This is the Keyboard
1 F0598 DIMM,256,333M,32X64,8K,184
1 U0970 DVD,680M,16X,I,F5,HLDS,MG This is DVD
1 P0614 KIT,SPKR,120V,ADA215,NMB,SIB This is Speaker
1 2K044 HD,40G,I,F3,1N,5.4K,WD-VL40
1 N2999 KIT,SW,MNY-2K4,STD,OEM,ENG I believe this is Money software
1 1X764 CDRW,680M,I,F5,48X,SMSNG,MG This is my CD RW
I have label the ones I think I know what they are. The rest is Greek to me.
Earle Horton said:
Do you have the Service Tag from your Dell? This is a five or seven
character alphanumeric code that should be on a tag on the computer
somewhere. You can go to the Dell support site
http://support.dell.com and
use this to look up your original configuration and possibly the presence of
OEM software.
If sounds as if you lost or misplaced the original install or backup disks
that you got from Dell (?), and that you relied on the software already
installed on your computer. If the old computer is destroyed you cannot
recover the software from it. It sounds as if your insurance agent is
either telling you to use the hard disk from the old computer, not
reasonable as it is storm damaged, or to reinstall the software from the
original install disks. This would work fine if you had the disks and the
essential "Product Keys" that came with them. You probably don't have that
either. A reasonable insurance adjuster would accept all as storm damage
and pay up.
It sounds as if the insurance agent is suggesting that you re-use the hard
disk in your original computer
ginah528 said:
Thank you for your quick response. The disks were not damaged by the
storm, I
just don't know were they are, it has been 6 years since I purchased my
computer. There have been many grandkid in and out of my house since then.
How would I know if it was an OEM software that was installed? I purchased
computer from Dell, and they can not provide me with an invoice that far
back. My insurance agent is telling me that I can just use my disk from my
old computer that was damaged. I don't have them but if I did I just
know if it would work any way. I have Windows XP on my old computer. The
software I had was Mircosoft Word, Excell, Access, Publisher, Power Point
Hi ginah,
If the original disks were damaged by the storm, then I believe the
insurance company is liable to replace them. The fact that you
may or may not have backup discs with the software on them doesn't change
As for licenses, that depends: OEM software installations are often only
valid on the PCs with which they were sold.
And as for whether your old software would work with Vista, that too
depends: AFAIK, MS only guarantees Office 2003 & later. Most of
Office 2000 also works, but Outlook 2000 isn't supported (though it can
mostly be made to work).
[MVP - Microsoft Word]
I am in the process of fighting with my insurance company. I lost my
during Hurricane Gustav. I am asking my insurance company to pay me for
software I had on my original computer. They are telling me that they
pay for software because it came with a disc when I purchased my
computer. So I can use the backup disc to download my software onto my
computer. My question is: I can I download my Microsoft software on to
my new
computer? Or will this violate the User Terms and agreement? I will
only have the software on one working computer. My software is 6 years
Will it work with Windows Vista?