User type not defined Newbie vba



I am trying to define a variable as a table

Dim Table As New Table

I get this message when I try to compile

User defined type not defined.

I have tried using the references box to select from the
object libary with no luck.

Any Help?? Thanks in advance


Originally posted by Stefan
I am trying to define a variable as a table

Dim Table As New Table

I get this message when I try to compile

User defined type not defined.

I have tried using the references box to select from the
object libary with no luck.

Any Help?? Thanks in advance

Try adding the msadox.dll to your references....

John Vinson

I am trying to define a variable as a table

Dim Table As New Table

I get this message when I try to compile

User defined type not defined.

Well... that's because there is no such Type as Table. TableDef yes,
but not Table.

Could you explain what you're trying to accomplish?


-----Original Message-----

Well... that's because there is no such Type as Table. TableDef yes,
but not Table.

Could you explain what you're trying to accomplish?

I actually bought Sams teach yourself access 2002
programming and was doing one of the lessons to create a
new table and define columns with code.

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