User wise hide column



Please anyone help me, I have 2 question

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p

My excel sheet have more column.
1. I want hide column user wise. each user have use 2 or 3 column. so i
want hide column user wise.
2. can i give the user wise rights for my excel sheet. like READ or CHANGE.

It is possible. Pl tell me and give example

Dave Peterson

If the data that is being hidden should not be seen by the other users, then
don't put it in excel. Even though you could hide columns and protect the
worksheet, this kind of protection is easily broken by anyone who wants to see
that info.

But you may want to look at Custom Views. You can hide the columns you don't
want to see, then apply View|Custom View (xl2003 menu system).

If you give the views nice names (names of the users???), then they can just use
view|custom view|show to see their data.

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