userds and resource names -- do that have to be the same?



We use standard enterprise user ids here at our institution with
single-sign-on. Format looks something like ran0012 and a password.

I know it would be a royal pain for something like "ran0012" to show up
as a resource name in a project plan. Can the userid exist separately
and distinctly from the resource name?

Andy Novak
University of North Texas


Andy -

The user id is seperate from the resource name, allowing you to have a
friendly name (first last) along with their Windows credentials.

Mark S. Everett | PMP

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


If you're using Windows Authentication, then Mark's assertion is correct.
The user ID and resource name are different entities. If you're using
Project Server Authentication, then answer is no. These must be the same.

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