Vit @ OZ
I’d like to set up a userform (or something similar), where I can set
up a choose (A,B,C,D,E) and store the choose on a global variable...
I’d like use this to perform automatically cost analysis (A,B,C,D,E
will be the five different cost tab on the resource rate table, and
with a different macro I will automatically perform some costs
analysis between the choose and the standard one (the A choose...)
Here you are the steps that I have followed:
- Open Project Professional (2007)
- Open VBA
- Insert a userform ( SetCost)
- Insert a frame (SellCostFrame)
- Insert 5 OptionButton (SellCostA, SellCostB, SellCostC, SellCostD,
- Insert a CommandButton (Apply)
Now, what I have to do???
How I will open the user form from Project Professional??
How I fill force a Single Selection?
Where I will Store The Selection?
Thanks to everybody
I’d like to set up a userform (or something similar), where I can set
up a choose (A,B,C,D,E) and store the choose on a global variable...
I’d like use this to perform automatically cost analysis (A,B,C,D,E
will be the five different cost tab on the resource rate table, and
with a different macro I will automatically perform some costs
analysis between the choose and the standard one (the A choose...)
Here you are the steps that I have followed:
- Open Project Professional (2007)
- Open VBA
- Insert a userform ( SetCost)
- Insert a frame (SellCostFrame)
- Insert 5 OptionButton (SellCostA, SellCostB, SellCostC, SellCostD,
- Insert a CommandButton (Apply)
Now, what I have to do???
How I will open the user form from Project Professional??
How I fill force a Single Selection?
Where I will Store The Selection?
Thanks to everybody