Userform and VBA




I am just a beginner in vba programming.
In fact, I would like to have my own configuration when I open MS Project.
Gantt would be locked and the parameters (name, duration, start date, end
Date and ressources) would be save, modify or delete in an userform. I know
that it is possible to make it directly with customize field, userform but I
won't be able to insert in a calendar or a list of the ressource...

My questions: Is it possible not to use vba? If it isnot can you give me a
beginning of vba code to help me?


Jack Dahlgren

Certainly it is possible. but it will be difficult especially if you are
just a beginner in VBA.

-Jack Dahlgren



i have to find a solution... I have to configurate something very easy to
fill the different required parameters in MS Project...
Is it possible to use Access... I know very much it and I tried to use forms
in Access, fill tables in Access and open these tables with MS Project. Can
you just explain me how open an access database with MS project to show on
the screen the gantt chart and all automatically... just with a buttom and
vba code...

Rod Gill

As Jack says, you are asking for a comprehensive piece of code. I suspect
that more user training would be far better bang for the buck! I don't think
you can display a Gantt Chart in Access, but you can certainly have Access
code open a copy of project and read data from Access into Project to create
a new project. For better performance, I would open a template in Project
then run a macro in Project to do the work. Project VBA reading from an
Access table or two using OLEDB is much faster than Access VBA pushing data
one field at a time to Project.

However, for snippets of code and reading from databases, there are plenty
of examples in my book.


Rod Gill
Microsoft MVP for Project

Author of the only book on Project VBA, see:

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