Thanks to all who helped me yesterday. You were so helpful I thought I'
throw my other VBA problem into the ring.
What I've got is a Userform for users to input address details, whic
then puts those details into an excel sheet when a button is clicked
(The intention is eventually to mailmerge the details and print a shee
of address labels)
Unfortunately, it keeps putting the address details on the same line
until you try and close the form, when it gets stuck in a loop.
Hope someone can help. Here's the userform code
Public Sub InputButton_Click()
'set up variables
Dim Check
Dim Activerow As Variant
Dim StartCellRow As Integer
Dim StartCellColumn As Integer
Dim Printbutt As Integer
Dim Title As String
Dim FirstName As String
Dim Surname As String
Dim Address1 As String
Dim Address2 As String
Dim Address3 As String
Dim Address4 As String
Dim Postcode As String
Dim Todaydate As String
Dim ID As String
Dim form As String
'fill variables with info from form
Check = True
Title = Titlebox
FirstName = TxtFirstname
Surname = TxtSurname
Address1 = TxtAddress1
Address2 = TxtAddress2
Address3 = TxtAddress3
Address4 = TxtAddress4
Postcode = TxtPostcode
Todaydate = TxtDate
ID = TxtLoginID
form = Formbox
Today = Format(Date, "d/mm/yyyy")
StartCellRow = "1"
StartCellColumn = "1"
Printbutt = "1"
'check this works
ActiveCell(StartCellRow, StartCellColumn) = Title
StartCellColumn = StartCellColumn + 1
ActiveCell(StartCellRow, StartCellColumn) = FirstName
StartCellColumn = StartCellColumn + 1
ActiveCell(StartCellRow, StartCellColumn) = Surname
StartCellColumn = StartCellColumn + 1
ActiveCell(StartCellRow, StartCellColumn) = Address1
StartCellColumn = StartCellColumn + 1
ActiveCell(StartCellRow, StartCellColumn) = Address2
StartCellColumn = StartCellColumn + 1
ActiveCell(StartCellRow, StartCellColumn) = Address3
StartCellColumn = StartCellColumn + 1
ActiveCell(StartCellRow, StartCellColumn) = Address4
StartCellColumn = StartCellColumn + 1
ActiveCell(StartCellRow, StartCellColumn) = Postcode
StartCellColumn = StartCellColumn + 1
ActiveCell(StartCellRow, StartCellColumn) = Today
StartCellColumn = StartCellColumn + 1
ActiveCell(StartCellRow, StartCellColumn) = ID
StartCellColumn = StartCellColumn + 1
ActiveCell(StartCellRow, StartCellColumn) = form
StartCellRow = StartCellRow + 1
StartCellColumn = "1"
'this bit is to try and clear the form ready for the next input
Unload UserForm1
Loop Until Check = False
End Sub
'when this button is clicked, check should equal false
'and the form should be closed
Public Sub PrintButton_Click()
Check = False
End Su
throw my other VBA problem into the ring.
What I've got is a Userform for users to input address details, whic
then puts those details into an excel sheet when a button is clicked
(The intention is eventually to mailmerge the details and print a shee
of address labels)
Unfortunately, it keeps putting the address details on the same line
until you try and close the form, when it gets stuck in a loop.
Hope someone can help. Here's the userform code
Public Sub InputButton_Click()
'set up variables
Dim Check
Dim Activerow As Variant
Dim StartCellRow As Integer
Dim StartCellColumn As Integer
Dim Printbutt As Integer
Dim Title As String
Dim FirstName As String
Dim Surname As String
Dim Address1 As String
Dim Address2 As String
Dim Address3 As String
Dim Address4 As String
Dim Postcode As String
Dim Todaydate As String
Dim ID As String
Dim form As String
'fill variables with info from form
Check = True
Title = Titlebox
FirstName = TxtFirstname
Surname = TxtSurname
Address1 = TxtAddress1
Address2 = TxtAddress2
Address3 = TxtAddress3
Address4 = TxtAddress4
Postcode = TxtPostcode
Todaydate = TxtDate
ID = TxtLoginID
form = Formbox
Today = Format(Date, "d/mm/yyyy")
StartCellRow = "1"
StartCellColumn = "1"
Printbutt = "1"
'check this works
ActiveCell(StartCellRow, StartCellColumn) = Title
StartCellColumn = StartCellColumn + 1
ActiveCell(StartCellRow, StartCellColumn) = FirstName
StartCellColumn = StartCellColumn + 1
ActiveCell(StartCellRow, StartCellColumn) = Surname
StartCellColumn = StartCellColumn + 1
ActiveCell(StartCellRow, StartCellColumn) = Address1
StartCellColumn = StartCellColumn + 1
ActiveCell(StartCellRow, StartCellColumn) = Address2
StartCellColumn = StartCellColumn + 1
ActiveCell(StartCellRow, StartCellColumn) = Address3
StartCellColumn = StartCellColumn + 1
ActiveCell(StartCellRow, StartCellColumn) = Address4
StartCellColumn = StartCellColumn + 1
ActiveCell(StartCellRow, StartCellColumn) = Postcode
StartCellColumn = StartCellColumn + 1
ActiveCell(StartCellRow, StartCellColumn) = Today
StartCellColumn = StartCellColumn + 1
ActiveCell(StartCellRow, StartCellColumn) = ID
StartCellColumn = StartCellColumn + 1
ActiveCell(StartCellRow, StartCellColumn) = form
StartCellRow = StartCellRow + 1
StartCellColumn = "1"
'this bit is to try and clear the form ready for the next input
Unload UserForm1
Loop Until Check = False
End Sub
'when this button is clicked, check should equal false
'and the form should be closed
Public Sub PrintButton_Click()
Check = False
End Su