UserForm Controls and Bookmarks


Martin Cameron

I have a word document with approx 20 bookmarks in it. I have a UserForm that
populates those bookmarks. I would like the code to be generic but am having
a problem - the following code returns an error "Invalid Qualifier" with
reference to the textBox field name. I would really appreciate somehelp on

Dim Bmk() As String
Dim y As Integer, J As Integer
Dim txtFieldName As String
y = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Count
ReDim iniarray(y)
For J = 1 To y
Bmk(J) = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks(J).Name
Trim(txtFieldName) = CStr(Bmk(J))
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks(Bmk(J)).Range.Text = txtFieldName.Text
Next J

Martin Cameron

Whoops - the array name is Bmk() not iniarray. The code shoul read:

y = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Count
ReDim Bmk(y)
For J = 1 To y
Bmk(J) = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks(J).Name
Trim(txtFieldName) = CStr(Bmk(J))
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks(Bmk(J)).Range.Text = txtFieldName.Text
Next J

Greg Maxey

If I understand your objective, you want to populate 20 variously named
bookmarks with the content of 20 textboxes in a userform. Assuming that the
texboxes are TextBox1, TextBox2, etc. then:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim i As Long
Dim Count As Long
Dim pBM As String
Dim oRng As Range
Count = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Count
For i = 1 To Count
pBM = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks(i).Name
Set oRng = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks(i).Range
oRng.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox" & i).Text
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Add pBM, oRng
Next i

End Sub

Martin Cameron

Hi Greg

Thanks for your speedy reply. Your code is direct and to he point, but I
wonder if you could help me a little more specifically with the following
1. When I MsgBox(txtFieldName) the correct name appears but the invalid
qualifier still appears for the name of the textbox when tryin to assign its
vale to the bookmark.
2. have to keep the namesas per the form because I initialize the form from
an ini file that has the fieldname as the key

Greg Maxey

I don't really know. Something to do with txtFieldName.Text referring to an
object that hasn't been properly referenced I guess.

Assuming that the bookmark names corresponde with the textfield name then
this might work:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim oCtr As Control
Dim oRng As Range
Dim oBMs As Bookmarks
Set oBMs = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
For Each oCtr In Me.Controls
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
Set oRng = oBMs(oCtr.Name).Range
oRng.Text = Me.Controls(oCtr.Name).Value
oBMs.Add oCtr.Name, oRng
Unload Me
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 5941 Then
Resume Err_Resume
MsgBox Err.Number
End If
End Sub

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