Userform for Viewing file Directory



Trying to create the following userform:

Listbox1: view file directory
Listbox2: view a list of text files. Ability to select one.
Listbox3: view the data contained within the text file selected.
Button1: start the import text dialog box for the selected text file

Any help would be helpful.


Why not use built in commands

to display directories and files and allow user to select a fil
without opening that file

' gets full path and file name
sFile = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt),*.txt")

' for a set path
sFile = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text File


use DIR command then add files etc to you list box

I don't know how you would list details into listbox 3 without openin
the file which you would need to do via normal import process

or as

open file for input
then add each line into listbo

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