Userform Listbox Headers????



I have a userform with several listboxes. I want to show the column heads in
the list box. When I set ColumnHeads property for listbox to "True", I only
get blank columnheads in my list box. Can someone please help me to set
the column heads in my list box to show? The only way it works is that I
add the row when defining the range in my worksheet and setting the
ColumnHeads to "False". However, this does not work when you have check
boxes because then you get a checkbox next to the name of the column. Can
someone please? Thank you in advance for any help you can provide. Thank


For the RowSource of the ListBox, have only the range *below* th
headers. When you set the ColumnHeads to True, the row *above *th
data/RowSource range is used as headers. Choosing the ListStyle to sho
checkboxes/radio buttons works as you would want it to

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