Userform Listbox subcategories?



I was wondering if there was a way to make a value in a listbox - not

Example. I have 2 types of forms--Property Coverage, Liability Coverage
I want my Listbox to look like this (the [ ] are the checkboxes that I
enabled in Listbox.ListStyle fmListStyleOption)

Property Coverage----
[ ] Form #PC001
[ ] Form #PC002
[ ] Form #PC003
Liability Coverage----
[ ] Form #LC001
[ ] Form #LC002
[ ] Form #LC003

Of course the list items "Property Coverage---" and "Liability Coverage----"
are just category dividers, and should not be selected (nor should it have a
checkbox next to it either). I have seen some web sites that have this; and
when users click on the categories, all sub-items are added, but I do not
want to enable this option for my users (I want them to make sure they know
exactly which forms they're selecting, and not blindly selecting all).

I'm also incorporating a 2nd Listbox, and passing the selected values over
to the 2nd Listbox (this is common seen in forms with 4 buttons that
represent MoveItemLeft, MoveAllLeft, MoveItemRight, MoveAllRight), in case
this information is needed.

Please help as soon as possible.

Thank you in advance!

Dave Peterson

I think the best you can do is to uncheck the box after it's been selected. And
that won't help if you're moving the selected items to a different listbox.

This is the way I'd uncheck the item:

Option Explicit
Dim BlkProc
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub ListBox1_Change()
Dim iCtr As Long

If BlkProc = True Then
Exit Sub
End If

With Me.ListBox1
For iCtr = 0 To .ListCount - 1
If .Selected(iCtr) Then
If Right(.List(iCtr), 4) = "----" Then
'unselect it
'stop looking for changes
BlkProc = True
.Selected(iCtr) = False
'start looking for changes
BlkProc = False
End If
End If
Next iCtr
End With
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
With Me.ListBox1
.ListStyle = fmListStyleOption
.MultiSelect = fmMultiSelectMulti
.AddItem "Property Coverage----"
.AddItem " Form #PC001"
.AddItem " Form #PC002"
.AddItem " Form #PC003"
.AddItem "Liability Coverage----"
.AddItem " Form #LC001"
.AddItem " Form #LC002"
.AddItem " Form #LC003"
End With
End Sub

I'm not sure how you're going to handle the moveitemright and moveitemleft,
I was wondering if there was a way to make a value in a listbox - not

Example. I have 2 types of forms--Property Coverage, Liability Coverage
I want my Listbox to look like this (the [ ] are the checkboxes that I
enabled in Listbox.ListStyle fmListStyleOption)

Property Coverage----
[ ] Form #PC001
[ ] Form #PC002
[ ] Form #PC003
Liability Coverage----
[ ] Form #LC001
[ ] Form #LC002
[ ] Form #LC003

Of course the list items "Property Coverage---" and "Liability Coverage----"
are just category dividers, and should not be selected (nor should it have a
checkbox next to it either). I have seen some web sites that have this; and
when users click on the categories, all sub-items are added, but I do not
want to enable this option for my users (I want them to make sure they know
exactly which forms they're selecting, and not blindly selecting all).

I'm also incorporating a 2nd Listbox, and passing the selected values over
to the 2nd Listbox (this is common seen in forms with 4 buttons that
represent MoveItemLeft, MoveAllLeft, MoveItemRight, MoveAllRight), in case
this information is needed.

Please help as soon as possible.

Thank you in advance!


Thanks a bunch for the unselecting idea! I didn't think of it at all. I'll
play around with that then. This means that I will not be able to use the
checkbox property for my list items since the categories will have it too
(when users see a checkbox, they're going to want to click it!). And you're
also right about the moveitemleft and moveitemright. The only idea I have
right now is to take in the selected values into a hidden worksheet, and then
feed only the items without the "----" into ListBox2.

But again, thanks for the hint! Cheers!

Dave Peterson said:
I think the best you can do is to uncheck the box after it's been selected. And
that won't help if you're moving the selected items to a different listbox.

This is the way I'd uncheck the item:

Option Explicit
Dim BlkProc
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub ListBox1_Change()
Dim iCtr As Long

If BlkProc = True Then
Exit Sub
End If

With Me.ListBox1
For iCtr = 0 To .ListCount - 1
If .Selected(iCtr) Then
If Right(.List(iCtr), 4) = "----" Then
'unselect it
'stop looking for changes
BlkProc = True
.Selected(iCtr) = False
'start looking for changes
BlkProc = False
End If
End If
Next iCtr
End With
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
With Me.ListBox1
.ListStyle = fmListStyleOption
.MultiSelect = fmMultiSelectMulti
.AddItem "Property Coverage----"
.AddItem " Form #PC001"
.AddItem " Form #PC002"
.AddItem " Form #PC003"
.AddItem "Liability Coverage----"
.AddItem " Form #LC001"
.AddItem " Form #LC002"
.AddItem " Form #LC003"
End With
End Sub

I'm not sure how you're going to handle the moveitemright and moveitemleft,
I was wondering if there was a way to make a value in a listbox - not

Example. I have 2 types of forms--Property Coverage, Liability Coverage
I want my Listbox to look like this (the [ ] are the checkboxes that I
enabled in Listbox.ListStyle fmListStyleOption)

Property Coverage----
[ ] Form #PC001
[ ] Form #PC002
[ ] Form #PC003
Liability Coverage----
[ ] Form #LC001
[ ] Form #LC002
[ ] Form #LC003

Of course the list items "Property Coverage---" and "Liability Coverage----"
are just category dividers, and should not be selected (nor should it have a
checkbox next to it either). I have seen some web sites that have this; and
when users click on the categories, all sub-items are added, but I do not
want to enable this option for my users (I want them to make sure they know
exactly which forms they're selecting, and not blindly selecting all).

I'm also incorporating a 2nd Listbox, and passing the selected values over
to the 2nd Listbox (this is common seen in forms with 4 buttons that
represent MoveItemLeft, MoveAllLeft, MoveItemRight, MoveAllRight), in case
this information is needed.

Please help as soon as possible.

Thank you in advance!

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