Userform question




I'm new to userforms etc so be gentle!!
I've create a form to track absence however I can only enter one record at a
time. ie. the field I have are week commencing,name, employee no., mon,
tue,wed,thur,fri,sat,sun,reasons. I have altered my form design so these
field are repeated so I can enter mutiple entries how do I get it to loop?


Are you using a VBA form?

If yes then don't use "hide" method after entering data. A VB
userform will usually have two control buttons. One to enter the dat
(move data to worksheet) and one to exit the userform. The exit butto
will simply use the "Hide" method


Hi Jacob,

thanks for the reply unfortunately it doesn't help - this is the page I
used to setup my original form.

I don't think my explination of my issue was the best! Imagine the form in
the example link you posted by rather than an entry form for one form it is
an entry form for multiple parts. How do I get the code to finish the first
part and go to the next?


Jacob Skaria

In the below link under section 'Add code to the cmdAdd button'; have you
noticed the below code which finds the next availble row....

'find first empty row in database
iRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1) _
.End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row

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