Userform Text box Format to Currency


Dave M


I have a userform that has appx. 60 textboxes. It is a form for entry of
different dollar values. Each textbox has a control source to a named range
on the excel sheet.

How can I set each textbox to a currency format when the user opens the


David Mongrain

Peter T

The short answer is you can't. Means you have to format as necessary when
done, eg

Private mCur as Currency ' at module level

Private Sub TextBox1_AfterUpdate()
Dim s as String
On Error Resume Next
s = Replace(TextBox1.Text, "$", "")
mCur = Val(Replace(TextBox1.Text, "$", ""))
mCur = Round(mCur, 2)

TextBox1.Text = Format(mCur, "$#,##0.00")
End Sub

You might want to do more than that minimum

Peter T

Dave M

I found a way. On userform_activate, perform a loop of each contorl. If it
is a textbox, then set focus on it.

For each required textbox, have an onexit event, textbox1.value =
format(textbox1.value, "currency")



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